
ini note yg gw buat di malam pertama gw berumur 17 .. 
hehehhe ..
pas baca2 , boleh lah gw post di sini .. hehe

Looking for future...whether cried or laugh waitin for me..a hand or rejected look will be on my step..when i realized time is going through..i know,,earth that i step on will change..i have to learn..to decide my on way..
me...don’t know will change like what..into what kind of people..like what surrounding me..how i control mw step...
16 years that i’ve passed...i’ve forced to release so many things cryin hardly is a part of my life...your laugh and your kiddin makes me still survive...my happiness never go far from my lovely people’s smile...every tears that drop makes me keep learning.. make me more tough than yesterday..
let my dream go away... let my lovely people go away... makes my eyes opened...nothing to be sorry.. i just tryin to be better.. 
thanks for all... thanks for make TANIA more mature... Tania love u all guys... 

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